Fatty liver occurs when too much fat builds up in liver cells. Although it is normal to have a tiny amount of fat in these cells, the liver is considered fatty if more than 5% of it is fat.
While drinking too much alcohol can lead to fatty liver, in many cases it does not play a role.
A number of fatty liver conditions fall under the broad category of non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD), which is the most common liver disease in adults and children in Western countries.
There are several signs and symptoms of fatty liver, although not all of these may be present.
In fact, you may not even realize you have fatty liver.
Fatigue and weakness
Slight pain or fullness in the right or center abdominal area
Elevated levels of liver enzymes, including AST and ALT
Elevated insulin levels
Elevated triglyceride levels
The normal treatment for fatty liver disease, whether it's alcohol-related or not, is to reach a healthy weight through diet and exercise. So what should you eat?
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